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Importing and Exporting Saved Data

Describes how to import your record data from a backup file or spreadsheet on your computer.  Also describes how to save a backup file of your data on the network or email yourself a backup file of your data.
Question How do I transfer records saved in Microsoft excel or another spreadsheet program to the website.
Answer On the lefty side of the screen under the PDH/CEU Tracking menu select My Default Settings.  The My Default Settings screen will open.

Enter a valid email address in Primary Email Address or Alternate Email Address fields and select Save New Data.  This is needed so the system can email you a backup file with the proper format.

Select the button labeled Import Records Data from CSV file / Create Backup File.  The Import / Export screen will open.

Select the Email Me a Backup File button an a backup file you can open in your spreadsheet program will be emailed to you.  Open your email program and save the backup file emailed to your hard drive.  This is a comma separated file.  Open the file using Microsoft excel or your spreadsheet program.   Each column is labeled.  Copy and paste the data from your previously saved spreadsheet file into this excel file under the correct columns listed.  When you are done save the file in CSV format (comma separated variable).  Do not save the file in ms excel format.

Using the Import / Export screen you have open (as described above) select the Import Records Backup File button. Select the choose file button.  Navigate to the location on your hard drive where you saved the CSV backup file you created and select that file.  Select Upload File to transfer your backup file to the system.

The system will then show a summary of the records found on the right hand side.  Under the options area on the page select the import method.  If you have already entered some records into the system select the Overwrite Existing, Add New option so they won't be overwritten.  Under the Select what you want to import menu choose what you want to import. (i.e. select   PDH/CEU Event Entries.)

Select Start Data Import and your data will be transferred into the system from your backup file.

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