Before you may join this site, you must agree to the rules.
Site Rules & Disclaimer
PDH/CEU Data, Tracking Systems, and Information contained on the website:
This site does attempt to keep information, forms, and requirements up to date but makes no guarantee or promise that the information provided is up to date, accurate, or complete. State and government data often changes and we rely on our users to notify us of changes so that we can keep our content as up to date as practical.It is each users responsibility to investigate board rules, state rules, and associated laws to ensure his/her own compliance. Please email us updates to information on the site if you find an item that is outdated or requires modification to meet current regulations or rules so that we may update the information available. Please direct any questions regarding compliance, rules, or interpretations to the associated board for your license or certification.
You control your own data and information:
The site requires you to join in order to keep data you enter secure and private. You may enter as much or as little information as you wish to track. Entering your name is not required. Entering a valid email address is not required. Entering PE or other license information is optional and if entered you only have to enter the state name or local jurisdiction if desired. When entering your PDH training the minimum entry must specify the PDH earned. Email addresses you provide are not verified so if you provide an email address we recommend having the system send you a back file of your data to confirm you have typed in a working email address. After joining, you may use the system, save training and license record data, and print reports without entering any personal identifying information.The site is configured with a "Delete All Selected Records" button on the "Import Data/Backup" screen, in addition to the multiple options on that screen for importing or backing up the data entered. If you create a login to browse the site and try it out and decide not to use it you can easily wipe all your data off the site using the "Delete All Selected Records" function. This function requires you to activate the button using multiple checkboxes in sequence to its left. If you elect to delete all your records they will likely not be recoverable unless you saved a backup file. The overall database is backed up daily, weekly, and monthly so under special circumstances it is possible data may be able to be retrieved from the archive. This restore can only take place upon special request to the site admin and requires you to know your username and login information. No data can be restored by the site admin unless the user is verified and the user provides their accurate login username and the user is able to log into the site. Any restored data will only be available using the users login and will not be emailed outside of the site by the site admin for security reasons. The best method to assure your data is not lost is to email yourself periodic backup files or to use the "Save New Online Backup" button on the "Import Data/Backup" screen. Saving an online backup is similar to emailing the backup file to you except that it saves the backup file on the server.
Solicitation of Work:
This site is an open format and is not offering or advertising for work or promoting any product or service. Users, forums, advertisers, or linked websites may offer individual or company related services. Where this may occur those postings or links are not an offer or solicitation from but are the display of information from third party companies or individuals. does not provide engineering services or sell a product and offers the tracking systems, engineering links, PDH links, and forums to support individuals and companies more easily comply with requirements and share information.Usage
This is a company website, and it must be used in coordination with this. The company and staff are not responsible for content placed on this website by ordinary members: no liability is accepted for the possible results of this content, and no warranty is provided for it.You must not:
- post any sexually suggestive content
- post any obscene content or use obscene language (including language designed to avoid the word filter)
- post any discriminatory content
- post any dangerous content
- use the website as a forum for controversial topics, such as debates
- post off-topic or irrelevant material, or post any material multiple times without good reason from the point of view of the staff
- incite (directly or indirectly) any illegal activity (be it covered by criminal or civil law)
- post any copyrighted material for which you have no right to do so
- pose as, or wilfully act as, a member of staff
- attempt to hack into this website
- use the features of this website to subvert the company or staff
External content
Advertisements are not under the complete control of this site and we do not take full responsibility for their content.Linked sites are outside the control of us and we disclaim any responsibility for their content.
Our rights
We reserve the rights to:- remove or change posted content as we feel appropriate, with no warnings, explanation or mention.
- monitor the usage of this site, including all content, whether publicly viewable or not
- change these rules at any time, without warning
- ban any member without explanation if any of these rules are deemed as broken by the staff