About The Site : Engineer-Cloud.com
Site History:This site was created in February 2012 by a registered professional engineer to assist in complying with and documenting professional development hour (PDH) continuing education requirements needed in many states to maintain and renew a professional engineering license.
- Use of this site is offered free of charge to individuals.
- This site is independent, and is not owned or managed by any entity that offers to provide PDH training to engineers. Views expressed on this site are those of individual users.
- This site does not share, or sell your personal data, and does not bulk email users when users provide email addresses.
- Providing your email address or personal data is completely optional.
- The site is slowly and continually adding features based on user feedback and a to do list of items the site developer has identified to be a benefit to support the logging and renewal process. The site developer uses this site to save his own PDH training data and to prepare the renewals to state engineering boards in multiple states.
What data can you save:
The site may be used to track training and print reports for a single state or entity, or may be used to print reports for multiple states or entities to show compliance with training requirements. The training data is only entered once, and can be entered from any web enabled browser at any time, even during the training event. The entered training is then used to calculate the number of training hours completed and to document these hours to reviewing agencies for renewals or requested audits.- The site is configured to help track and log PDH and CEU information needed to renew engineering licenses, but may be used to track training for any state agency, board of professional engineers or land surveyor in any state or country, local jurisdiction, job function, or for tracking personal training goals. Information published from each state board of professional engineers related to renewal cycle, quantity of PDH units required, allowed carryover PDH units, and other miscellaneous data has been entered into the site database. When creating reports this data is pre-populated a reference to help confirm compliance with the renewal requirements. We rely on feedback from site users to keep this information up to date so it is the responsibility of the user to confirm the reference information is accurate and has not been changed by the local regulating agency.
Is this site for real? What is the catch? :
This site is legitimate and available to users free of charge. There is not a catch or a trick. You use the site if you like it and easily delete all your data and stop using it if you don't like it. That basically describes it.You can see additional details on the origin of the site at:
- EngineerBoards.com using the following link: http://engineerboards.com/index.php?showtopic=20875
- TheProfessionalEngineer.com using the following link: http://theprofessionalengineer.com/2013/02/19/engineer-cloud-com/