Hello Guest
Welcome to the Professional Development Hours (PDH) Records Database.Please Login or Join to save your data to the site and have access to it from everywhere.
A sample of what the PDH Database looks like is below for reference. There site does not charge any fees. In order to use the PDH tracking system you need to creat a login so that your data will not be public. Use the site or don't use the site, it's up to you.
Factitious Example of Summary Data Below.
Please note that the screens below are lesser quality and do not contain as many features as the screens on the actual site when you create a login.Providing your name or any identifying information is optional.
It is fast to enter, edit, and delete data. The site is mobile friendly so enter your summary data at the event and fill in the details back in the office later if you wish.
Sample PDH Summary Page:
Hello Username,
Sample Detailed PDH Summary Page:
Hello Username,
Sample Enter/Modify PDH Record Page:
Hello Username,